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  • La «sardofonia» secondo Treccani.
    Esempio di volgare suprematismo linguistico

    Alla Treccani — che si occupa di lingua, cultura e sapere — hanno pensato bene di corredare della seguente citazione, connotata dal più becero suprematismo linguistico e culturale, la voce sulla sardofonia: [A]lcune di quelle lingue, minoritarie in Italia, sono maggioritarie in altri Paesi (tedesco, sloveno, catalano) e quindi si possono considerare «seconde lingue» a tutti gli…

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  • “We demand justice and freedom.”

    In a video produced by Òmnium Cultural Jody Williams (Nobel Peace Prize, Political Activist) Noam Chomsky (Linguist, Philosopher, Human Rights Activist) Pep Guardiola (Coach of Manchester City) Angela Davis (Human Rights Activist) Ben Emmerson (International Lawyer, Formerly UN Special Rapporteur on HR) Bill Shipsey (Founder of Art for Amnesty, Human Rights Activist) and Martín Caparrós…

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  • Scottish-Catalan statement on self-determination.

    On thursday the Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon (SNP), and Quim Torra (JxC), President of Catalonia, had their first official meeting in Edinburgh. Afterwards they issued the following official Joint statement from the First Minister of Scotland and President of Catalonia The First Minister of Scotland and the President of Catalonia met at the First…

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  • Puigdemont soll ausgeliefert werden.
    Rebellionsvorwurf für unzulässig erklärt

    Am heutigen Donnerstag machte das Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Schleswig-Holstein seinen Beschluss bekannt, der Auslieferung des ehemaligen katalanischen Präsidenten Carles Puigdemont (PDeCAT) an Spanien zuzustimmen. Grundlage ist ein europäischer Haftbefehl des spanischen Höchstgerichts (Tribunal Supremo). Puigdemont war auf dem Weg von Finnland nach Belgien — wohin er sich ins Exil begeben hatte —, als er von der…

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