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  • Rosmini: Die »ahnungslose« Uni.

    Prof. Stefania Baroncelli, von Rektor Paolo Lugli ernannte Prorektorin für Bildungsbelange an der Uni Bozen, hätte heute um 9.30 Uhr den Vortrag »Europa der Regionen: eine Vorstellung von Europa, die noch aktuell ist?« halten sollen. Ich weiß nicht, ob es dazu kam. Ganz so ahnungslos, wie sie sich laut Salto bezüglich dem organisierenden Rosmini-Institut und…

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  • John Bercow on Carme Forcadell.

    […] I well remember welcoming Carme Forcadell when she came to this place [the House of Commons] —it was a privilege to do so. On the substance of the matter, it is of course entirely orderly for there to be a debate in this House on Welsh independence. Members enjoy immunity for the words they…

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  • Die Umkehrung der Normalität.

    A lot of the media and the right wing, and the right wing of the labour party – they are talking about extremism when they are talking about Jeremy Corbyn, when they are talking about Scottish politics. This is people fighting for social justice. People fighting for housing crisis, you know. Anti trident. There is…

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  • Much more radical than mere secession.

    The Catalan revolt and the Scottish independence campaign of 2014 raised a prospect much more radical than mere secession. In both countries, the supporters of independence understood that if you start a new state from scratch – even if you keep the economy just as capitalist as it was before – you are suddently in…

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  • Labour: Parteispitze würde zweites Referendum in Schottland nicht blockieren.

    Während eines Gesprächs im Rahmen des Edinburgh Fringe Festival äußerte sich John McDonnell, Schattenkanzler und Nummer zwei der britischen Labour-Partei, gestern zur Abhaltung eines zweiten schottischen Unabhängigkeitsreferendums nach jenem von 2014: We would not block something like that. We would let the Scottish people decide. That’s democracy. — John McDonnell Damit widersprach er der Position…

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  • FAQ zur Immersion.

    01 What is the difference between a 90:10 and a 50:50 model? The first number refers to the amount of instructional time initially spent for instruction in the target or non-English language in kindergarten. The second number refers to English. In a 90:10 model the amount of the target language decreases yearly as English increases…

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