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Look what has happened.



The reality of where we are just now is that even if we do come to a consensus to extend Article 50, any one of the 27 countries in the EU could veto that extension. We already know that Farage and his pals have been round lobbying different countries like Italy, Hungary, Poland … and it’s ironic that he wants other countries to block the will of the very parliament he wants to have so much control. But all it takes is one country out of 27 and we are out on the 29th with no deal. Because the EU is a union of equals.

[The UK] is not a union of equals. And it gets summed up best by a good friend of mine, and a former member of this place, actually – Jim Sillars. And he summed it up best when he talked about Scottish independence, and he said that on the September 18 [2014], between the hours of 7am and 10pm, Scotland is in control of its own future. And the question is whether at one-minute past ten we hand back that power or we keep it for ourselves. Now, we chose to hand that power back to this place. And look what has happened.

Excerpted from today’s speech of Mhairi Black (SNP) in the House of Commons (text by The National)

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